The Gargoyle: Andrew Davidson

2595138Rating: ☕️ ☕️ ☕️ ☕️

This is definitely one of the best books I have read in a really long time. I love it when you read a book and you just get completely absorbed by it. This was definitely the case for me with The Gargoyle.

Basically this book is the story of a burn victim whom the doctors tell he has schizophrenia. While in the hospital, he meets a strange woman who carves gargoyles. Her name is Marianne Engel and she claims that they knew each other in past lives and first met in medieval Germany. She goes on to tell him their history along with many other tales about love that take place in Japan, Iceland, England and Italy.

I think what I loved most about this book was the story telling. I LOVED each new tale that Marianne Engel had to tell. It was almost like reading a fairytale book or the tales of the Arabian nights. It had me mesmerized and I couldn’t put it down! The only reason it didn’t get a full 5 teacups was because I found it dragged a little at the end. Other than that it was stellar! I would definitely recommend it if you are looking to be completely sucked into a book. You know in the “forget to eat, forget to sleep” kind of way 😉


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