Stay Home Reading Rush Tag

Oh my goodness, The Stay Home Reading Rush has begun! In my frenzy of trying to participate in as much as this readathon has to offer, I thought it would be fun to do the Stay Home Reading Rush Tag. This tag was started by Ariel Bissett on the Reading Rush Booktube channel, and asks a few questions about your reading during this time of self isolation. Well, here we go!

1. How is your reading going while staying home?

Since schools closed about a month ago, I have been a reading machine! I have been making pretty good use of my extra time doing yoga and reading as much as I can. I’m not saying this to toot my own horn; these are the ways that I maintain my sanity, and reading is definitely a staple of my self-care routine 😛 Over the past month I’ve read a number of books that I could only dream of reading during a normal school year, and I have been picking up books that I have been wanting to read for years. I recently finished Rebecca by Daphne du Maurier and loved it! Needless to say, in this time of social distancing and self isolation, my reading life is thriving.

2. Where have you been reading at home?


Ignore the mess on the desks – this reading nest is the comfiest of all time.

We have lived in our house for two years now, and I have yet to buy the perfect reading chair for my library. I KNOW. Two years – it’s nuts. If I had a comfy reading chair in my library, that would definitely be my favourite spot to read. Not only would I be surrounded by my books, but it is always so bright and cozy in there. However, because there is no comfy spot to read in there, I’ve been reading in my bed and in our computer room. One of the best ideas I’ve ever had was to build a “nest” in the computer room for the ultimate reading experience. This is my go-to plan if I ever want to try to read for 24 hours, or just spend the day reading by J’s side as he fiddles away on his computer. Hands-down, a reading nest is the way to go!

3. Best book you’ve read during isolation?

I started my isolation off strong. The first book I plowed through was Chain of Gold by Cassandra Clare. There is no beating a Shadowhunters book! The beginning of The Last Hours series was phenomenal. I love the old-timey British shadowhunter world!

4. What is your ultimate feel good book?

My go-to feel good author has always been Sophie Kinsella. She is hilarious and I have loved every book I’ve read by her. Seriously, you will be laughing out loud when reading the misadventures of her various heroines! Not only is the Shopaholic series silly and fun, but her standalones are just as good. I highly recommend any Sophie Kinsella book if you are in need of a pick-me-up.

5. One book you wish you could buy or borrow from the library?

I’m going to be honest. I have been placing a lot of online Indigo orders. I just can’t help myself! In my area, we don’t have an independent book store that I could order anything from. If we did, I would definitely be supporting that place, because you know I would be a regular! But, alas, Indigo is all I have near my home. Indigo has closed all their stores for the time being, but their online ordering is still alive and well. That being said, some books that I have recently added to my wishlist that I have NOT ordered are: Between the World and Me by Ta-Nehisi Coates, Bringing Down the Duke by Evie Dunmore, The Stranger Beside Me by Ann Rule, The One by John Marrs, and many more!

6. Pick an author to shout out!

36746One author that has been on my mind lately is one of my faves – Lemony Snicket. No, not Daniel Handler (the real person), Lemony Snicket. I’ve picked up Who Could That Be At This Hour? for The Stay Home Reading Rush, and I just love his wit and writing style. You can get a taste for his witticisms in my appreciation post The Stupendously Scintillating Lemony Snicket. This is just a reminder of how wonderful he is, and if you’re needing a good dose of nostalgia, reading his books may be the way to do that (only if you read him as a child, of course.)


7. What is on your Reading Rush TBR pile?

You can read all about my Reading Rush plans and TBR in my post Stay Home Reading Rush 2020, but basically, along with Who Could That Be At This Hour?I want to read at least the first three books in The Princess Diaries series by Meg Cabot. There may be other books I pick up along the way, but we’ll see.

So there are my answers to the Stay Home Reading Rush Tag! I hope you are all finding time to get lost in a good book, whether you are participating in the Reading Rush or not. I have to say, for me, the first couple of days of this readathon did not see a whole lot of reading completed. Did I really need to watch Tangled and Booktube all day? Yes, I did. Well, we still have two days. Now, enough writing, and more reading!


To learn more about the Stay Home Reading Rush, you can visit their website here –


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